scatty scat scat

brain's too mushy for an opening line.
or complete sentences.
so here goes:

children's lit paper finished.
a few other little assignments finished before deadlines.
france loan #1=attained.
france loan #2= just finished the application.
stubbornly haven't worn my winter coat all week, 
but also haven't frozen up, so that's a start.
acceptable hair day today, even without washing it.
madly in love with b, amongst the dumb schoolwork.
nails freshly painted with favorite spring/summer color.
comfy bed ready to accept me with open arms.

genesis 1:31 "god saw everything he had made, and it was very good"
for now, i'm ignoring the bads cause i know they're actually very good too.
plus, denial works in most cases, right?
every single thing he made is very good.
even me on days i don't shower.
nighty night


p.s. i neeeeeed this.
[the green grass, obvi]

p.p.s. sorry i'm so bold happy tonight


Andrea Stevenson said...

Love the bold. And love the attitude of this post:) Good luck with that 2nd France loan! Love the color of your blog. Lovely


Piril Maria said...

Such a pretty blog. =)

♥ Love,

Our Youth said...

haha, i'm so tired. first i thought i'm reading a poem.

''children's lit paper finished.
a few other little assignments finished before deadlines.
france loan #1=attained.''...


thank you for your comment. great blog
